The Finned coil evaporator are forced convection air ( by the help of fan or blower) type of the air cooled Evaporator . This type of Evaporator are more efficient to Compare a natural convection air. Why, because This Evaporator more heat or cooling transfer by using fan or blower.More cooling and first cooling transfer in the refrigeration loads, air conditioning rooms and other places to required.
The natural convection air like a plate type , plate and tube type Evaporator are less heat or cooling transfer by using only natural air.
The room air suc the blower or fan from the room and through the forced air to the Evaporator coil. Evaporator coil are already chilled. room air or normal air contact with chilled coil then converted to normal air to cooling air through the supply rooms and refrigeration loads.
Finned coil evaporator are generally used in the
. double, three, four, side by side door refrigerators
. split, window air conditioners
. Heat pumps
. Visible, bottle coolers
. Package air conditioners
. Car, bus, train air conditioners
. Small refrigerating machines
. Small air conditioning system or plants.
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